Sunday: Palm Sunday did the procession from Bethpage to Lions Gate (there is a post on this)
Monday: Went to the Garden Tomb with my school it was very neat and interesting to have so many religions there with us and some had no idea the Garden Tomb was and it is right near where a lot of them live.
Tuesday, Wednesday: Normal days got out of school Thursday.
Thursday: Christ suffering in Gethsemane, Last Supper and his arrest. We first went to the Garden of Gethsemane as a family and did some learning things there than we went to a little grassy area above the Garden of Gethsemane and below the Orson Hyde Park and we had a little devotional and then we got our own pondering time it was nice. Then at nine o'clock we went to the Garden of Gethsemane again and we went to a service to commemorate his suffering. It was really cool and they read scriptures in Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, English, German and some other languages and we sang little one line Latin hymns, it was really neat. Then we all got candlesticks and went from the Church of all Nations (at Gethsemane) and went all the way to Peter Gallicantu. I thought that it was interesting how he does the most selfless thing in the world, he suffers for all the sins of the world and he then is despised for it, he is arrested and I wonder if the soldiers who are now in Heaven somewhere are feeling very stupid for arresting him. I'm so grateful for my Savior!
After the service |
With our candles on the procession |
Sitting on the steps where they belived they dragged him up at Peter Gallicantu |
Friday: He is beaten and crucified. I didn't do a whole lot of cool things for today although it is a very important day, he has to die sometime for the plan of Salvation to work.We were wanting to go to a service but we were too busy with Marissa's birthday party and the Talent show. But I did read the account in John of his crucifixion as my chapter for the night (to go along with my Easter goal)
Saturday: Christ in Spirit World/ Prison preaching to evil spirits (D&C 138/ 1 Peter 4 and 5.) Today I went to church we had our own Easter service it was really nice. I read D&C 138 and 1 Peter 4 and 5 for my chapter I thought that it was so interesting how he spent his time up there and maybe he still does teaching evil spirits the gospel. I also thought it was interesting how Joseph F. Smith said that lots of prophets are up there preaching to the evil spirits such as Moses, Elias and even Joseph and Hyrum Smith. I really like what I read today, super cool.
Sunday: He is not here for he is risen, his Resurrection, Easter! I first went with the fam to the Garden Tomb for a service, they played a lot of Christian Rock, I kinda disliked it, I thought that it was interesting how differently they worship than the LDS people. This is a link to a video of the church service.
I then hurried after the service to find a spot to read my four Easter chapters for my Easter Goal.( I ended up only getting in two chapters and the music was still playing so I felt a different kind of spirit and I felt rushed. I was then a little bumbed that I didn't get to read all my chapters at the Garden Tomb, which was my initial plan with my Easter goal. But when I got home I went under one of the arches and pulled out my scriptures. The birds were chirpping, sun shining, nice breeze the most perfect weather ever. I then read the last two chapters and then sat for like an hour pondering, then I said like a 15- 20 minute prayer, out loud which was amazing. I have to say it was the strongest I have ever felt the spirit and the happiest I have ever been in my life. It was amazing the coolest experience ever, definitely an answer to my prayers of wanting Easter to be a cool experience. After that I went home and I wonder if anyone was wondering why I was so happy but we went down to the Harpers apartment (one of the other faculty families) and we had a water fight, Easter egg hunt and and egg bashing contest then we had eggzalla for dinner which is like the white part of an egg which is put in white sauce and you put on top of broken up bread and then sprinkle on the golden yolk part. It was a very eggy Easter and the yolk which is my spirit was very filled and will be forever filled.

I love the Garden Tomb, it is such a nice place |
Right before the service, it was really cool! |
After reading my two chapters! :) |
We ate lunch at some resturant one the side of the main road. |
After the Easter egg hunt |
Melia Modeling the dinner, it was so good! |
Dinner |
At night I read the chapter where Christ is in Tiberias and then I was finished with my Easter goal! I am now reading in Acts!
The Best experience of my life, what an answer to all of my prayers, I know that my redeemer lives, He is Risen!