My valentine's day was great, my valentine ended up being my mom, of course, a very special valentine to me. I gave my mom a rose and a note that said: "Roses are red, violets are blue, Inti Jameela (you are beautiful in Arabic) and I will always love you" At school I had a lot of girls creeping up on me and wanting to be my valentine, it was kind of annoying... but fun ;) I ended up spending like 3 hours making cards, most of them were for the students.
This is what a very special, fun- loving person, Maddie McCann put on our door, love you Maddie |
A few days before Valentine's day, some of the students came in to make valentiene's cookies. (what pretty girls) |
And we had to love after we made the cookies, this is what valentine's day is all abotu: LOVE <3 |
Friday, the 17th,
So there was going to be a valentine's dance with the students on valentine's day, but due to mid-terms, it got cancelled so they had it on Friday the 17th. It was a very crazy, but very fun party. I ended up slow dancing for the first time, haha, now I will be ready for stake dances ;)
Oh Joe you crazy boy!!! Love and miss you. Duces :)